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Youth Healthwatch NL -Sexual Health survey

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Youth Healthwatch North Lincolnshire; Sexual Health Survey Launch

Our small team of Youth Healthwatch North Lincolnshire volunteers have recently published a survey to find out what sexual health services young people in the area access, and what their thoughts/experiences of them are.

The project came about after an initial survey we developed which asked what was important to young people in North Lincolnshire. The answers which were the most popular included mental health, education and healthy diet, and sexual health. 

Our team of young volunteers decided that Sexual Health and Relationships would be a good topic to begin with, and began by researching what services and resources were currently available for people to access. They looked in particular at websites such as Virgin Care Sexual Health Hub, Brook and the NHS website to evaluate what they liked about the different sites, whether they felt they were user-friendly, and whether the information provided use was clear and useful. 

 From this research, then then created a survey aimed at young people aged 14-25, asking them a series of questions surrounding how/where they access information around sexual health and relationships, and how/where they’d most like to receive the information if they could choose. 
If you are aged 14-25 (or know someone who is!) please share the survey with them, as the more responses we gather, the better we can identify how to improve sexual health services for young people. 
Participants who complete the survey will also have the option to enter into a prize-draw to win an Amazon voucher.
To fill out the survey, please click the link: