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Our Policies

Healthwatch North Lincolnshire and our representatives are held to thorough standards and policies to ensure the way we work and the service we offer meets the needs of and empowers our local communities.

Code of Conduct and Nolan Principles

This code of conduct sets out how North Lincolnshire members are expected to behave to each other and those they come into contact with as a representative of Healthwatch. It applies to Board Directors, staff and volunteers.

Complaints Policy

We aim to provide the highest standards of customer service and welcome feedback, good or bad, about our performance and the manner in which we discharge our responsibilities to help us in this process. Anyone directly affected by the way in which Healthwatch North Lincolnshire has carried out its functions may raise their concerns or make a complaint. We will treat both concerns and complaints in the same way.

Confidentiality Policy

Involvement in the work of Healthwatch North Lincolnshire may mean that on occasions Board Directors, staff and volunteers will see or hear information of a confidential nature. All Board Directors, staff and volunteers are expected to use their discretion and respect the need to maintain confidentiality of information they have access to. This is expected to continue even when a Director, staff member
or volunteer is no longer involved with Healthwatch.

Conflict of Interest Policy

Board Directors have a legal obligation to act in the best interests of Healthwatch North Lincolnshire (Healthwatch) in accordance with its governing document, and to avoid situations where there may be a potential conflict of interest. Staff and some volunteers have similar obligations. This policy applies to Board Directors, staff, and volunteers whose roles are identified as falling under this policy (collectively defined as members under this policy).

Data Protection Policy

Everyone has rights with regard to how their personal information is handled. In its work Healthwatch North Lincolnshire will collect, store and process personal information and we recognise the need to treat it in an appropriate and lawful manner. The information is subject to safeguards specified in the Data Protection Act 1998 which imposes restrictions on how we may use that information.

Enter and View (Volunteers) Policy

Enter and View authorised volunteer representatives must conduct themselves in a suitable manner. Authorised representatives are very visible members of Healthwatch North Lincolnshire and its reputation could be damaged by behaviours on a visit. Furthermore, providers can refuse entry or terminate a visit if authorised representatives do not act appropriately.

Equal Opportunities Policy

Healthwatch North Lincolnshire is committed to promoting equality of opportunity in employment, volunteering and the services it provides. We do not discriminate against users of our services, staff and volunteers (existing or potential) on the basis of age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, pregnancy or maternity, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation (protected characteristics).

Independent Strategic Advisory Body (ISAB) policy

The purpose of Healthwatch is to give patients and the wider public a powerful voice – ensuring that their views and experiences are heard by those who plan and deliver health and social care services, giving people a real say over how their local health and social care services are run. Healthwatch not only has the ability to influence how services are set up, commissioned and delivered, but it is also able to provide advice and information on health and social care services as well as signpost those wishing to make a complaint about their local NHS services.